Monday, July 08, 2002

(note) this documentation is no longer updated to view current information on this subject visit the projects new home at by clicking here

when deciding upon the most suitable color scheme to be used in the standard color coded alphabet It was concluded that perhaps the best method of matching colors to letters would be in a way similar to the method used of the layout of the standard keyboard.
That was to determin which colors were easiest to distinguish from other similar colors, where on keyboard layout it was a matter of "ease of keystroke matched with letter use frequency" and determin which letters occure most often in natural english text, match the most used letter with the most distingushable color and so on down the list. below is a list of letters ranked in order begining with the least used (Q) and ending with (E) the most often used according to the number of times each letter was used the sample text being the "UNIX Online Dictionary." The exact number of occurances can be found on the far left of each letter entry to the right I have matched the colors in order according to what I have found to be the ranking according to each colors "ease of distungusability" and matched accordingly. I also included some "nouns" that begin with the corisponding letter that is often perceived (or could be perceived) to be the color that letter has been matched with (for aid in memorization)
378 Q dark blue [queen]

431 J ligh blue [jade]

433 Z indigo [zink flame]

621 X light indigo [good luck]

1902 V light violet [good luck]

1931 K dark indigo [kidney bean]

1973 W dark violet [wallpaper] hehe

2666 F blue [ford]

3641 Y violet [grape yoguart]

4118 B light orange [brass]

4130 G light yellow [gold]

5219 H dark yellow [hornet]

5519 P dark orange (brown) [poo]

5809 D orange [dandylion]

5840 M yellow [mountain dew]

6492 U

8226 C light red [cupid]

10078 L light green [l.e.d.]

10220 S dark red [santa clause]

12110 N dark green [nature]

12756 O

12850 T red [tomato]

13444 R green [reptile]

13995 I

16452 A

20157 E

note when assigning specific RGB's to the letters take extra care the light colors are not so light that they cannot be read on a white background and likewise the dark colors are visible on a black back ground. in reality they will be displayed on gray. also just as important as that is making shure that the colors themselves are not to closly related to other colors in the scheme so each charicter can be easially recognised at a glance . eventually we would like to move on to a color alphabet removing from the equasion the shape of the font alltogether and this cannot be accomplished unless each color is distinct,its a fine line but we walk it daily.
Below I have included a list of possibile colors taken from here which could be used as a ref. as to assigning specific colors. There should be more than enough here to pick from.
RGB Color values
These colors are apparently the color names known to X-windows. I took these names and Hex RGB values from a Website that isn't online anymore and added the actual color via the BGCOLOR (enhancement) attribute of the TABLE cell tag . This allows you to see (provided your browser supports enhanced tables) the actual color value.

Note: if your system supports only 16 or 256 colors, then your browser will probably 'fold' many of these colors into the few colors your system supports (thus you'll see lots of whites and grays). On a system with 65K or more colors each color is 'pure' and unique. Most of these are not in the "Web safe" set of colors, so use them sparingly.

Color names shown in bold caps are the "16 widely understood color names" from the HTML 3.2 documentation, and were picked as being the standard 16 colors supported with the Windows VGA palette. It is generally safer to code BGCOLOR="#00FFFF" in your HTML source than to code by color name, e.g. BGCOLOR=Aqua.

Color name RGB Color
aliceblue F0 F8 FF
antiquewhite FA EB D7
aquamarine 7F FF D4
azure F0 FF FF
beige F5 F5 DC
bisque FF E4 C4
BLACK 00 00 00
blanchedalmond FF EB CD
BLUE 00 00 FF
blueviolet 8A 2B E2
brown A5 2A 2A
burlywood DE B8 87
cadetblue 5F 9E A0
chartreuse 7F FF 00
chocolate D2 69 1E
coral FF 7F 50
cornflowerblue 64 95 ED
cornsilk FF F8 DC
crimson DC 14 3C
cyan 00 FF FF
darkblue 00 00 8B
darkcyan 00 8B 8B
darkgoldenrod B8 86 0B
darkgray A9 A9 A9
darkgreen 00 64 00
darkkhaki BD B7 6B
darkmagenta 8B 00 8B
darkolivegreen 55 6B 2F
darkorange FF 8C 00
darkorchid 99 32 CC
darkred 8B 00 00
darksalmon E9 96 7A
darkseagreen 8F BC 8F
darkslateblue 48 3D 8B
darkslategray 2F 4F 4F
darkturquoise 00 CE D1
darkviolet 94 00 D3
deeppink FF 14 93
deepskyblue 00 BF FF
dimgray 69 69 69
dodgerblue 1E 90 FF
firebrick B2 22 22
floralwhite FF FA F0
forestgreen 22 8B 22
gainsboro DC DC DC
ghostwhite F8 F8 FF
gold FF D7 00
goldenrod DA A5 20
GRAY 80 80 80
GREEN 00 80 00
greenyellow AD FF 2F
honeydew F0 FF F0
hotpink FF 69 B4
indianred CD 5C 5C
indigo 4B 00 82
ivory FF FF F0
khaki F0 E6 8C
lavender E6 E6 FA
lavenderblush FF F0 F5
lawngreen 7C FC 00
lemonchiffon FF FA CD
lightblue AD D8 E6
lightcoral F0 80 80
lightcyan E0 FF FF
lightgoldenrodyellow FA FA D2
lightgreen 90 EE 90
lightgrey D3 D3 D3
lightpink FF B6 C1
lightsalmon FF A0 7A
lightseagreen 20 B2 AA
lightskyblue 87 CE FA
lightslategray 77 88 99
lightsteelblue B0 C4 DE
lightyellow FF FF E0
LIME 00 FF 00
limegreen 32 CD 32
linen FA F0 E6
magenta FF 00 FF
MAROON 80 00 00
mediumaquamarine 66 CD AA
mediumblue 00 00 CD
mediumorchid BA 55 D3
mediumpurple 93 70 DB
mediumseagreen 3C B3 71
mediumslateblue 7B 68 EE
mediumspringgreen 00 FA 9A
mediumturquoise 48 D1 CC
mediumvioletred C7 15 85
midnightblue 19 19 70
mintcream F5 FF FA
mistyrose FF E4 E1
moccasin FF E4 B5
navajowhite FF DE AD
NAVY 00 00 80
oldlace FD F5 E6
OLIVE 80 80 00
olivedrab 6B 8E 23
orange FF A5 00
orangered FF 45 00
orchid DA 70 D6
palegoldenrod EE E8 AA
palegreen 98 FB 98
paleturquoise AF EE EE
palevioletred DB 70 93
papayawhip FF EF D5
peachpuff FF DA B9
peru CD 85 3F
pink FF C0 CB
plum DD A0 DD
powderblue B0 E0 E6
PURPLE 80 00 80
RED FF 00 00
rosybrown BC 8F 8F
royalblue 41 69 E1
saddlebrown 8B 45 13
salmon FA 80 72
sandybrown F4 A4 60
seagreen 2E 8B 57
seashell FF F5 EE
sienna A0 52 2D
skyblue 87 CE EB
slateblue 6A 5A CD
slategray 70 80 90
snow FF FA FA
springgreen 00 FF 7F
steelblue 46 82 B4
tan D2 B4 8C
TEAL 00 80 80
thistle D8 BF D8
tomato FF 63 47
turquoise 40 E0 D0
violet EE 82 EE
wheat F5 DE B3
whitesmoke F5 F5 F5
yellowgreen 9A CD 32